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recount text adalah sebuah teks dalam bahasa inggris yang menceritakan kejadian kejadian atau pengalaman pengalaman yang sudah terjadi. Tujuan dari recount text adalah untuk menghibur pembaca. Recount text biasanya menggunakan past tense karena menceritakan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi atau berlalu.
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Contoh Recount Text Bahasa Inggris
Last week, I and my family went to kuta beach. Kuta beach located on the bali island. Yes last week i and my family went to the bali island for a vacation and refreshing with my family. We went there with Garuda plane. When I got there, I am very happy because this is my first time in Bali. We also stayed at the luxurious hotel. The room of hotel is full of expensive goods and also clean. There is also a restaurant and a golf course. The first day, my family and I went to the tourist attractions. But the most memorable for me was when I and my family went to Kuta beach. There are we met many tourists of around the world.
This time, I'll tell you my experience about ghosts. It was when I was eleven years of age, I was living in my grandmother's house. I live with my grandmother in a village that is very quiet. The village has a small population. The village has many cemeteries. One night I woke up from sleep, I want to pee. When I opened my eyes, I see the clock turned out at 2:13 in the morning. I went straight to the bathroom. The bathroom in the village is apart from the room. When I went to the bathroom,I saw a ball of light outside. The light bulb golden yellow. The ball looks like an eye. Because i'm so fear, I ran away and went to bed again. When in the morning when I and grandmother breakfast, I asked to the grandmother. Grandma what I saw balls of light that last night? Grandma replied, "it is the eyeball of a ghost who likes to scare the wolves at night.
A few years ago, me and my girlfriend went to paris. We know that paris is the most romantic city in the world. I went to paris with my girlfriend for a vacation of the office work. There the scenery is very beautiful, especially the high eifel tower. We were there two months before we got married. We went there also wanted to do a photo prewedding for our wedding party. We vacation there for three weeks before we went back to Indonesia.
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